The Academy's new presidium
Nils Christian Stenseth is elected as President and Øyvind Østerud as Vice President of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters in 2010. The new Secretary General, Øivind Andersen, is elected for a four-year period (2010-2014). Ingvild Sælid Gilhus is elected as new secretary of the Humanities and Social Sciences Division. The other board members were not up for election or were reappointed.
Nils Christian Stenseth is a biologist with a focus on ecology and evolution. He is the leader of the Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES) at the University of Oslo. He is also the Chief Scientist at the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research in Norway. In December 2006, CEES was given Centre of Excellence status by the Research Council of Norway. Stenseth was elected fellow of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters in 1986.
The Academy's new Secretary General Øivind Andersen is a professor of classical philology at the Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Ideas and Art, University of Oslo. In 2009/2010 Øivind Andersen also leads an international team of researchers at the Center for Advanced Study, where the theme is "Ethics in Antiquity: The Quest for the Good Life".
Øivind Andersen became a member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters in 1987. He has held numerous honorary positions in the Academy. During the period 2002 - 2008 he was on the Academy's Board of Directors where he among other things was chairman of the Humanities and Social Sciences Division. He has also been a member of the committee that revised the Academy's statutes and led the Academy's committee on internationalization.
When the Academy in 2007 celebrated its 150th anniversary Øivind Andersen gave important contributions both as a member of the anniversary committee and as initiator and responsible for the international symposium "Rhetoric and Science".
Øivind Andersen has substantial international experience. He was director of the Norwegian Institute at Athens from 1989 to 1993. In 2001 he was a delegate of the Union Académique Internationale, and in 2009 he was elected to the UAI's board.
Øivind Andersen has also had several foreign research stays, including St. John's College, Oxford, the University of North Carolina and at the universities of Heidelberg and Munich among others.