Klimamøte med offentliggjøring av rapport om ekstremvær

Vitenskapsakademiet, Drammensveien 78

Forskningsdirektør Øystein Hov ved Meteorologisk institutt har ledet en
europeisk arbeidsgruppe "Impacts of extreme weather". Han legger fram hovedkonklusjonene i rapporten på et møte som arrangeres av Akademiets klimautvalg.


17.00 Øystein Hov, Norwegian Meteorological Institute, chairman of the EASAC WG: Historical and future trends in extreme weather in Europe - a summary of the report

17.20 Erich Fischer, ETH, Zurich, member of EASAC WG: The report on extreme weather from EASAC seen together with the recent assessment published by IPCC

17.40 Trond Iversen, Norwegian Meteorological Institute and ECMWF, member of EASAC WG: What can we expect in terms of precipitation changes and decadal variations forward in time?

18.00 Questions and discussion moderated by the Climate Research Group in the Academy

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