Fundamental science changes society: the emergence of modern meteorology
Jubileumsseminar i anledning 100 års-dagen for Professor Arnt Eliassens fødsel.
Seminaret etterfølges av en festmiddag.
Påmelding til gro.havelin@dnva.no innen 4. september.
Seminaret vil fokusere på hvordan grunnleggende forskning kan gi resultater av stor samfunnsbetydning, med utgangspunkt i professor Arnt Eliassens forskningsbidrag i meteorologi.
Sir Brian Hoskins, Professor of Meteorology at the University of Reading and Chair of the Grantham Institute at Imperial College London, UK: Prediction of summer heat waves and drought in Europe: the key role of atmospheric dynamics and blocking.
Senior Scientist, Dr Joseph Tribbia, Earth System laboratory, Atmospheric Modeling and Predictability, National Centre for Atmospheric research (NCAR), Boulder, USA: A dynamic perspective on the potentials for reliable multi-year climate predictions.
Senior Research Fellow, Dr Antje Weisheimer, National centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS), University of Oxford, Department of Phyisics, and Scientist in the Research Department, Predictability Division, European centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), Reading, UK: Exploring and extending the limits of weather predictability in the northern hemisphere.
Professor Trond Iversen, Deputy Director of Research, Norwegian Meteorological Institute and adjunct professor at the University of Oslo: Why do we have westerly winds at mid-latitudes?
Director general Anton Eliassen, Norwegian Meteorological Institute: What makes a great scientist?
Foredragene vil bli etterfulgt av spørsmål fra salen.
Middag kl 1900.
Pris for seminar og middag: kr 500 / kr 250 for studenter og akademimedlemmer.
Påmelding til gro.havelin@dnva.no innen 4. september.