Hvordan kan internasjonal forskning bidra til å snu samfunnsutviklingen i en mer bærekraftig retning?
Professor Deliang Chen tar i høstens første møte opp et svært aktuelt tema: Hvordan kan internasjonal forskning bidra til å snu samfunnsutviklingen i en mer bærekraftig retning?
OBS, møtet er i Gamle Festsal, Universitetet i Oslo, 14. september 2017 klokken 18:00. Velkommen!
Tittlen på foredraget er: "Towards global sustainability: The role of research across disciplines and national boundaries".
Link til kalenderpost.
Despite major scientific advances and insights, the world continues to develop along dangerous trajectories, undermining the life support systems that provide economic growth, and placing coming generations at risk of major regime shifts in the Earth system. Global sustainability is a key to food security, energy access, freshwater availability, poverty alleviation, human health, etc.., which requires new thinking and scientific knowledge. Bending the curves of global environmental change will require transformative change in societies. Meeting these challenges also require long term and concerted research efforts across disciplines and national boundaries, as well as strategic investments. Are we ready for these?