The International VISTA day

The Energy Transition: The Age of Dilemmas

Det Norske Videnskapsakademi, Drammensveien 78, Oslo

Praktisk informasjon

The VISTA Day serves as a yearly gathering, bringing together prominent figures from research, education, industry, and politics. Its purpose is to address our society’s most critical challenge – the climate-energy issue – through engaging discussions and exchanges of ideas.

The International VISTA day is open for the public, but registration is required.

Registration here


The VISTA program was established in 1985 as a collaboration between Statoil (now Equinor) and The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. The overarching vision was to stimulate basic research related to the exploitation and management of Norwegian petroleum resources.

During the first 35 years, approximately 25 scholarship holders and postdoctoral researchers, as well as one professorship, were funded through the program at any given time. In total, more than 300 students received funding for a degree as a result of this collaboration. In 2019, VISTA shifted its focus to centers for basic research. 

The previous call for applications from the VISTA program was in 2020. At that time, two centers received funding:

Centre for modeling of Coupled Subsurface Dynamics (CSD) at The University in Bergen.

Centre for Autonomous Robotic Operations Subsea (CAROS) at NTNU in Trondheim.

Read more on the VISTA website

The International VISTA day takes place at the Academy's house February 7th. The theme this year is "The Energy Transition: The Age of Dilemmas". What dilemmas will arise when society undergoes the transition to greener energy consumption?

Portrett av Christian Klöckner
Head of the NOTRAP center Christian Klöckner. Photo: NTNU

The energy transition will test society's ability to balance economic growth, environmental protection, energy security, and the needs of various investors. In industry, the transition will create demand for fuel-efficient innovations and consequently opportunities for technological innovation and growth for some sectors. It will be up to politicians to ensure fair priorities and balanced development. 

In the call for funds for new VISTA centers in 2024, social science issues were included for the first time. The leader of the newly established NOTRAP center at NTNU in Trondheim, psychology professor Christian Klöckner, is one of the speakers at VISTA-day. A democracy where politicians need voter support is vulnerable to populism. Klöckner will discuss issues like avoiding social unrest, involving local populations, and creating not just acceptance, but also engagement for necessary steps in the energy transition.

Registration here


Registration, breakfast, and coffee         



Kjetil Taskén, Vice President of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters
Lise Øvreås, Chair of the VISTA board

Session 1: The big picture 


Energy transition and industrial transformation 

André Faaij, TNO/Utrecht 


Coffee break 

Session 2: Navigating Societal Dilemmas 


Public acceptance: Energy, transition, democracy, and populism 

Christian Klöckner, NOTRAP, NTNU 


Democratic tools for managing processes 

Ines Campos, coordinator of the EU project INCITE-DEM 


Lunch buffet 

Session 3: Navigating Industrial Dilemmas 


Critical actions for facilitating the supply chain for low carbon fuels 

Bo Cerup-Simonsen, Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping 


Where do we stand? 

Kjetil Visnes, Director of the Norway Energy Hub, Equinor


Coffee break


Industrial opportunities and challenges for Norway 

Birger Lausund, Business Policy Advisor, Fellesforbundet (The United Federation of Trade Unions)


Session 4: Panel discussion 


End of program
