Energiomstillingen: Fremtidens kraftmarked i Europa og Norge (VISTA-dagen 2023)

As the reliance on underground fossil energy wanes, the pivot towards harnessing energy directly from Earth’s surface is imperative. For the energy transition to be successful, several complex dilemmas need to be addressed and solved.

Growth vs Energy Transition:

The Paris Agreement predicates that emissions reductions should occur locally, requiring every nation’s contribution to the global energy transition. But can this transition occur without hampering growth in developing and emerging economies? Emerging economies like China and India are unlikely to sacrifice increasing prosperity for global climate efforts. The transition must therefore occur without impeding growth in these regions, but how? 

Land Sacrifice Dilemma:

Previously, energy was predominantly harvested from beneath the Earth (coal, gas, and oil). The shift towards surface-based energy sources (wind farms, solar parks, biomass, hydroelectric, and nuclear power plants) will lead to increased competition for the Earth’s surface areas. The implication and challenge are that access to renewable energy must be balanced alongside the land surface required to produce food, living and transportation space and areas for recreation, and with the overarching constraint of conservation of biological diversity.

Public Acceptance:

The shift towards surface-based energy sources (wind farms, solar parks, biomass, hydroelectric, and nuclear power plants) often faces significant local resistance, delaying crucial and urgent progress. How can we secure public acceptance and support for these necessary transitions and the associated land use?

This is vital as success in the energy transition depends on broad public support. If obtaining public acceptance proves challenging in countries like Norway, how can we expect a smoother process in other nations where land sacrifice is essential for the energy transition?


For the energy transition to be successful, these dilemmas need to be addressed and solved.

We have invited the following speakers to discuss the dilemmas we are facing:

Each speaker will illuminate the topic with a 20-minute presentation, followed by an hour-long panel debate moderated by Kristin Halvorsen, Director of CICERO.

Participants in the debate: