Artificial intelligence and the changing nature of government

This talk examines the changing nature of government in the light of widespread use of data science and artificial intelligence (AI), developing the Digital Era Governance model (Dunleavy and Margetts, 2006, 2013, 2023). Data science and AI offer great potential to improve government, policymaking and public services. These technologies can bring transformative capabilities to government’s information regime, allow the reallocation of state functions, automate tranches of activity and change administrative logics both vertically and horizontally. Government could be more effective, prescient, productive and citizen-centred than ever before. However, as these technologies become embedded across every market and area of society, they also pose new challenges to public safety and democracy itself, particularly in relation to the power of Silicon Valley firms to shape the information landscape. The talk will look at some of the key administrative choices to be made, for example about information regimes, state capacity and organisation, regulation and public-private relationships.