Is ageing inevitable?

Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi / Drammensveien 78

The Nansen Neuroscience Lectures (NNLs) are organized in conjunction with Fridtjof Nansen’s birthday to honour his fundamental contribution to neuroscience.

Since 10.10.2010 they are part of the Academy’s Nansen celebration. The NNLs are given by speakers selected from the top tier of science research.


Linda H. Bergersen and Jon Storm-Mathisen on behalf of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters in cooperation with the University of Oslo, and the Nansen Neuroscience Network.

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Nansen Neuroscience Lectures 2010-2019

Nansen Neuroscience Lectures 2020

Nansen Neuroscience Lecture 2021

On Fridtjof Nansen’s contribution to neuroscience

Nansen is to be credited as father of the Neuron Doctrine (the idea that the nervous system consists of separate nerve cells rather than a continuum of tubes, published in two papers in 1886) and for realizing the significance of the neuropil (the 'dotted substance' between the nerve cell bodies) as the site of communication between the cells.

Read more 

Welcome to the Nansen Neuroscience Lectures 2022. This years topic is aging. The event is held on Nansen's birthday and is part of a celebration of Nansen's contribution to neuroscience.

Watch the lecture: 


The meeting is free of charge and open to the public. Registration is not necessary.

Watch the lectures live on stream on this webpage. (Link will follow.)


10:30 – 11:00 Coffee and refreshments – mingling

11:00 – 11:03 Opening
Lise Øvreås, President of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters

11:03 – 11:06 Introduction
Linda Hildegard Bergersen, University of Oslo

11:06 – 11:46 Lecture: "The benefits of exercise for brain function" Henriette van Praag, Florida Atlantic University, Jupiter FL, USA

11:46 – 12:00 Discussion and questions from the audience 
Moderated by Jon Storm-Mathisen

12:03 – 12:06 Introduction
Linda Hildegard Bergersen, University of Oslo

12:06 – 12:46 Lecture: “What causes ageing? Lessons from The Worm”
David Gems, UCL Division of Biosciences, London, UK

12:46 – 13:00 Discussion and questions from the audience 
Moderated by Jon Storm-Mathisen

13:00 – 13:30 Coffee and refreshments – Informal discussions 

Henriette van Praag and David Gems.
Henriette van Praag, Florida Atlantic University, Jupiter FL, USA and David Gems, UCL Division of Biosciences, London, UK.
Norges første hjerneforsker (Foto: Johan v.d. Fehr. Universitetsbiblioteket i Bergen. Billedsamlingen)
Nansen's Doctoral Thesis on the central nervous system comprised most types of invertebrate and vertebrate animals (among our own phylum, the chordates , he focused on the Atlantic hagfish, Myxine glutinosa). (Foto: Johan v.d. Fehr. Universitetsbiblioteket i Bergen.)






Jon Storm-Mathisen and Linda Hildegard Bergersen, UiO. (Foto: UiO)
Organized by Jon Storm-Mathisen (Photo: Eirik Furu Baardsen / DNVA) and Linda H. Bergersen, (Photo: UiO)
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