The Abel Prize

An international mathematics prize
The Abel Prize is an international prize for outstanding scientific work in the field of mathematics, including mathematical aspects of computer science, mathematical physics, probability, numerical analysis and scientific computing, statistics, and also applications of mathematics in the sciences.
The prize recognizes contributions of extraordinary depth and influence to the mathematical sciences. Such work may have resolved fundamental problems, created powerful new techniques, introduced unifying principles or opened up major new fields of research.
Stimulate interest
In addition to honoring outstanding mathematicians, the Abel Prize shall contribute towards raising the status of mathematics in society, and stimulating the interest of children and young people in mathematics.
Established in 2002
The Abel Prize was established by the Norwegian government in 2002 in connection with the 200th anniversary of Niels Henrik Abel’s birth. The laureate receives the Abel prize and NOK 7,5 million (appr. USD 840.000).
Jean-Pierre Serre received the first Abel Prize in 2003.
The Abel Prize is awarded annually by The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.